Wee Goblin horde for Fantastic Battles

My 10mm goblins were the first army I built specifically to playtest early drafts of Fantastic Battles back in 2019/2020. Here are my wee unreliable wretches ready to test out the new horde rules. Rules for hordes - playtest version below - will be part of the version 1.2 update that should be available soon (over the winter). The update will initially take the form of a supplementary pdf - free from myself, and hosted on the game's Facebook group . There will be no need for anyone who already owns the rules to pay for an update - the core rules remain in place, v.1.2 merely clarifies a few rules, and introduces a small number of rule amendments as well as new relics, traits, scenarios and sandbox rules for sieges. The same updated content will then be incorporated fully into the existing rule book file. Everyone who has bought the rules as a pdf from Wargame Vault will get that updated file automatically. As a last stage the hardcopy rulebook on Amazon will ...