ProjectWürttemberg - 1st and 2nd Battalions Württemberg Jäger

With the completion of two small jäger battalions, and almost a year after starting, I have finally completed the Württemberg Light Infantry (3rd) Brigade, part of the 25th Division in Marshal Ney's III Corps from the 1812 campaign. The brigade has built as part of an ambitious group project themed around the battle of Borodino.

During the 1812 campaign the Württembergers were very active participants - that was enough to justify my decision to field the 1st and 2nd jäger battalions as small units according to the Black Powder rules.

I was torn as to whether I should break my heart doing the white piping around the collar, cuffs and tails etc as I have done with the light infantry battalions. The piping is shown on the Knötel plate above and generally paited on other minis I've seen online. However, on the photo below (showing an 1814 jäger uniform appropriated from, the piping is so very narrow that it shouldn't really be visible on a 28mm miniature. That's my excuse anyway!

The 1st "König" Battalion with their gold buttons in line formation (above) and light infantry mixed formation (below). 

The 2nd Battalion with their silver buttons in line formation (above) and skirmish formation (below). 

This now completes the brigade and gives me a more-than-viable little force for when the group games kick off. The brigade in their box are shown below, followed by the BP unit rosters.