
Showing posts from October, 2014

IW (2nd ed.) Chance Cards - some market research

The 2nd edition of Irregular Wars: Conflict at the World's End is on track for a release in the first week of Christmas. The rules will be available as a softcover book from Amazon (all the Amazons, whether you use .com,, .jp, .de, .nl of whatever). Alternatively, you will be able to purchase the rules as a pdf file downloadable from Vexillia Ltd. Existing customers who have previously bough earlier versions of the rules will be able to upgrade to the 2nd edition pdf for a special reduced price (under £2).

More ships and boats for Galleys & Galleons

Even though I have not found much time for wargaming of late, this weekend I was able to work on some more vessels for my Galleys & Galleons playtesting fleets.

An Irregular Wars 2 update

Things have been pretty quite on the blog these last couple of months. Work has been getting busier and I've not had much free time to work on anything worth putting on here.  However, in the next week or two I hope to receive the last edits for Irregular Wars 2nd edition. After I put those through, there will be a final proof read and then I'll be uploading the manuscript onto Amazon Createspace. I am still hopeful that the second edition should be available by the beginning of December, as a pdf from Vexillia Ltd, or as a paperback hardcopy from Amazon (all Amazon websites, .com, .de etc etc).  However, Amazon is not able to do the premium quality Chance Cards, so these will have to be ordered separately, either from myself or, perhaps from Vexilia (I'm sure Martin will pass any orders on to me that are placed through him anyway... we'll talk it through). Stand by for imminent progress reports!