ProjectTROY - 28mm Trojan showcase

Late last year I resolved that my main project for 2021 would be a small 28mm Trojan force. I've completed 28mm skirmish forces in the past, but never completed an army-level project in the over-sized 'big' scale that is 28mm, so I thought even a small army would get my year in. Of course we have been in lockdown since December, so I found myself with a few more moments to play with paint pots. The result: the small Trojan project (retrospectively termed 'phase 1') is completed. If I was going to be investing time into building the army, I wanted to ensure theat iw would be a flexible as possible in terms of which rule sets it could be used with. Hence, the four characters/commanders are singly based, but everything else is based on 60mm wide bases. 60x60 for the chariots, and 60x40 for the infantry. The choice of units was partly led by the different games I'd likely be playing - Fantastic Battles , l'Art de la Guerre and Hail Caesar - and partly by var...