Devilry Afoot: Imbolc 1625 - If you go down in the woods today...

You’d better go in disguise
If you go down in the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise

It’s the festival of Imbolc (aka Candlemas). There is a tenuous connection with fertility (of sheep, at least, and possibly people for all I know) which I’m shamelessly exploiting for this excursion back in time to C17 Rutland and the village of Frommage, where as usual Devilry is Afoot.

And, its a tradition in Frommage that unmarried young women and men may stroll in Fineshade Wood on Imbolc Eve.

Under the trees, where nobody sees
They’ll hide and seek as long as they please

Get ready for another dispatch from Mark!


For this game the scene is a wooded area, partially surrounded by stone walls. The young people allowed an evening off from societal conformity are represented by a dozen lads and lasses (Innocents). They are protected by three members of the Watch, detailed below, who have drawn the short straws to be on duty tonight.

Because you never know. And as it happens Fineshade Wood is less safe than usual this year.
  • A Pact Devil has staked a claim (an accursed terrain feature not a Monster, but).
  • A wandering Spectre is looking for the churchyard.
  • A Bogeyman is here just to spoil everyone’s fun.

The Watchmen are -
  • Slotter Goodman, Gallant & Strong, Lustful.
    Purse: 21s: Elf bolt, Polearm. Balance 3s.
  • Poole Religious, Devout, Flagellant.
    Purse 30s: Blunderbuss, Silver shot x2, Sword. Balance 2s.
  • Margaret Goodwife, Penitent & Strong, Doubting.
    Purse 28s: Dog, Half-pike, Holy Water x3. Balance 1s.
The Monsters started at one per quadrant (so one quadrant started monster-free), each randomly placed within its starting quadrant. The hunters (Watch) come in through the small gap in the stone wall on the N side of the Wood. The Innocents start in three groups of four models, placed in the same way as the monsters but at least 6” from any monster.

Here’s the starting position, looking N.

The three groups of frolicking Innocents are in the top R corner, and lower L and R. The Watch is at top C. The Pact Devil is next to the L side fence. The Spectre is next to the felled tree at upper R. The Bogeyman is on the middle R side, between the felled tree and the edge.

Objectives: to “win” the game: the Monsters must kill 5+ of the Innocents + at least 1 human member of the Watch. An Innocent that exits off the S or E sides counts as half a kill if the Bogeyman survives to hunt them down later. Otherwise the Watch wins.


Here’s the report on what happened. I’ll keep to my habit of showing the sequence in which the action dice were drawn, using H = hunters, I = Innocents, B = Bogeyman, S = Spectre.

Margaret (and her dog) moved first (two successes). She moved directly towards the Spectre and threw a vial of holy water over it. The Spectre duly fled into the shadows of a neighbouring patch of trees.

Then the Innocents activated. Two groups remained Unaware and moved towards the Pact Devil. The third group have seen the Spectre, so are Aware and fled towards the S table edge, splitting up as they avoided an intervening tree.

The Bogeyman went next, and decided to Hide. The Spectre was more adventurous, stalking after the Innocents who had fled from it earlier. Then it got a second activation, stalking again, this time into contact with one of them. Perhaps emboldened by this the Bogeyman activated again, but stayed in hiding.

Slotter then activated (two successes) and used them to move into base contact with one of the Innocents groups, making them Aware that devilry was afoot. Or “Afoote” as he pronounced it. He’s a foreigner (Leicestershire man, north side of Wigston I’d say) by birth.

The Spectre did its Intimidation. Two Innocents fled off the S edge of the table, while the other two within range were able to flee westerly along the S edge (Photo #1).

Then the Bogeyman tried again, but quailed again and stayed in hiding. Last of all, Poole activated (2 successes) and moved forward to join Margaret.

Here’s an overall view at the end of the turn (Photo #2).

The Innocents are marked by White dice. W3 shows the only group still Unaware. W2 are the survivors of the group partly spooked off the table by the Spectre.

The Monsters (& the Pact Devil) are marked with Yellow dice. Y1 is the Spectre, Y2 is the Bogeyman, Y3 is the Pact Devil.

The Hunters have Red dice. R1 marks Margaret (& dog) and Poole, R2 marks Slotter.

Once again a Hunter got to activate first. Slotter (one success) moved towards Margaret & Poole. Then the Spectre stalked after the two Innocents fleeing from it. The Bogeyman yet again preferred to stay in hiding. What a wuss. Margaret & dog (1 success) moved down table towards the Spectre.

Then the Bogeyman overcame his attack of nerves and began to stalk Margaret and the dog. Poole (2 successes) sneaked forward.

The Innocents activated next. The small residual group on the S edge moved further along towards the W edge and safety. The group made Aware by Slotter last turn were all able to flee off table, to safety, through the gap in the N wall. That left the Unaware group. Two of them moved into contact with the Pact Devil, with the other two close behind. The Pact Devil and the two Innocents in contact disappeared leaving an acrid sulphurous smell hanging in the night air (removed from play, the Innocents counting as killed).

The Spectre got a Hide result for its second activation. The Bogeyman, who is now just within 6” of the dog, attacked towards it (Photo #3).

And last of all the Spectre came out of hiding and began stalking again. This time the nearest human was Poole.


After advancing towards Poole last turn, the Spectre kept up the momentum by moving first this turn, stalking into contact with Poole. Then the Bogeyman attacked the dog, inflicting 2 wounds, so the animal is dead. The Bogeyman drew a second successive activation, with Margaret only 1” away and immobilised in terror … and got a Flee action (Photo #4).

The Spectre, continuing to do all the heavy lifting for the Monsters, Intimidated Poole and Margaret. However, both passed their resolve tests and remained unmoved. The Spectre activated again, with a stalk move, so stayed where it was in base contact with Poole. Then it was the Bogeyman again. It turned and Intimidated Margaret and Poole. Poole was unmoved but Margaret failed her resolve test and moved back 4”.

Poole now activated (1 success). He fired his blunderbuss, loaded with silver shot, at the Bogeyman. Who took 3 wounds (Photo 5).

Next up the Innocents. The two Aware models in the SW corner, fleeing from the Spectre, fled off the W edge to safety. The remaining two Unaware models left behind by the Pact Devil remain Unaware (as a Pact Devil is not a Monster) and seperated, moving randomly in different directions.

Last to activate were Slotter (two successes) who moved + sneaked towards the Bogeyman, and Margaret (two successes) who advanced likewise (Photo #6).

The Spectre again activated first, and moved away to hide in some nearby shadows. Then the Bogeyman intimidated all the Hunters. Poole and Margaret both retreated, but Slotter was unmoved. So the Bogeyman attacked him, causing 2 wounds. Slotter activated and fought back (two successes despite his terror) causing the Bogeyman another wound (now has 4/5w) (Photo #7).

Next Margaret moved up into contact and attacked the Bogeyman, but failed to hit because of her fear. The Bogeyman’s opportunity attack also failed.

The Spectre intimidated all the Hunters. Poole stood his ground but Slotter and Margaret turned to run. Both were unscathed by the Bogeyman’s opportunity attacks as they ran back 4”. So the Spectre tried again, but this time got a Hide result and cowered back into the shadows.

The Bogeyman also fled into the nearest shadows. The two remaining Innocents, still Unaware, went their seperate ways.

Last of all Poole activated (two successes). He reloaded his piece with his last silver shot, and sneaked forward.

The Bogeyman attacked Slotter, hitting him in the rear but luckily for the hunter causing no wound. Slotter turned and fought back (1 success), but failed to hit, and the Bogeyman’s opportunity attack killed him with a third wound (Photo #8).

Poole went next (two successes) and took an aimed shot at the Bogeyman from only 4” away, hitting it and - rolling natural 10 for the wound dice - blowing the Monster back to hell (Photo #9).

Margaret activated (0 successes). Then the Spectre intimidated the surviving hunters. Both survived (Margaret rolling 10 & 10 for her Doubting resolve test). The Spectre then tried another tactic, stalking into contact with Poole, then tried another intimidation. Both hunters were unmoved.

Lastly the Innocents. One scrambled over the stone wall along the W side of the wood. The other is still in play but fortuitously is heading for the gap in the N wall.


I called the game at the end of turn 5. Only the Spectre is still in play from the devil’s team, and it’s more of a nuisance than a threat. One hunter (Slotter) is OOA (he succumbed to his wounds and died), and also the dog. Margaret and Poole will get to split the handsome 50s bounty for killing the Bogeyman, not to mention bragging rights. Two Innocents were “slain” - kidnapped by the Pact Devil - but the other ten escaped, including those who fled off the S edge as the Bogeyman was not in a condition to hunt them down later.

So another win for the Frommage Watch, although this season’s Fineshade Frolic was a flop.

Cheers from Pattaya,
