PDEE: Further adventures with the Trout Clan - part 1, Unfinished business
Mark's prehistory month is upon us, and first up we return to check in on the Trout clan...
1. Unfinished business
In the years since the great pestilence the Trout Clan, which suffered far more than the Grey Wolf clan, has slowly rebuilt. It has moved to a new home territory in the hilly uplands and has learned how to adapt to the different environment there. It also successfully absorbed the remnant Mud Crab clan to replenish its numbers. I’m following the adventures of the Trouts for this year, and next year it’ll - probably - be back to see what is happening down in the lowland valleys with the Grey Wolfs.
Last Autumn the hunters of the Clan tried to destroy a family of Cave Hyenas (pack predators) who lived in some rock outcrops on a hillside that was far too close for comfort. Three hyenas were killed, and three hunters wounded, before the attempt was called off (see report 05 Feb 2024). Now that Spring has come around it’s time to try again. The Hyenas have moved to a new den, but they’re still too close.
The hunting party entrusted with this task will again be headed by Stone Tipped Spear, accompanied by Standing Spear, Waving Spear, Standing Club, Waving Club, and Fire (Photo #1).
1. Unfinished business
In the years since the great pestilence the Trout Clan, which suffered far more than the Grey Wolf clan, has slowly rebuilt. It has moved to a new home territory in the hilly uplands and has learned how to adapt to the different environment there. It also successfully absorbed the remnant Mud Crab clan to replenish its numbers. I’m following the adventures of the Trouts for this year, and next year it’ll - probably - be back to see what is happening down in the lowland valleys with the Grey Wolfs.
Last Autumn the hunters of the Clan tried to destroy a family of Cave Hyenas (pack predators) who lived in some rock outcrops on a hillside that was far too close for comfort. Three hyenas were killed, and three hunters wounded, before the attempt was called off (see report 05 Feb 2024). Now that Spring has come around it’s time to try again. The Hyenas have moved to a new den, but they’re still too close.
The hunting party entrusted with this task will again be headed by Stone Tipped Spear, accompanied by Standing Spear, Waving Spear, Standing Club, Waving Club, and Fire (Photo #1).
And here’s a view of the hunters as they survey the area where the hyenas have their new den, from a high point in the SE corner. There are still a few pockets of snow left in sheltered areas. No hyenas are visible. Have they been caught napping? (Photo #2).
Stone Tipped Spear began by triple failing his first activation. So that was a good start. Three hyenas popped up in the central den area. The rest of the hunters began to skulk forward, using only their normal dice, but Waving Spear failed on one dice and a hyena attacked Standing Club who was just within M and wounded him (Photo #3).
Standing Club fought back but was unable to overcome the hyena. Then Standing Spear hurled a spear and wounded it. This caused a Predate reaction, translating into another attack on the hapless Standing Club, who was killed. Waving Spear then skulked up and threw a spear, but missed, and the hyena stood its ground. Fire then advanced, and it moved back into the den area, Alarmed.
Three more hyenas appeared in the distance, returning from a foraging expedition and attracted by the sounds of conflict (Photo #3a).
Three more hyenas appeared in the distance, returning from a foraging expedition and attracted by the sounds of conflict (Photo #3a).
As turn 3 began, Standing Spear failed on one dice and one of the hyenas in the den area came out to predate the kill (carcass of Standing Club). This placed it within S of Standing Spear, who seized his chance to attack. His spear throw missed and the hyena fled back into the den. Most of the rest of the hunters succeeded in their activations tho they moved forward only a bit, worried about having hyenas to their front and flank and wondering how to react. But Fire advanced boldly towards the den area and howled, provoking reactions from all three hyenas in the den. Two of them promptly fled, the third moved away (Photo #4).
Stone Tipped Spear triple activated and decided this was the moment to lead by example. He headed off, skulking, towards the hyenas on the west side of the den, signalling the others to follow him. The whole party rallied behind him, with a couple of activation fails that had no effect on the hyenas.
Standing Spear skulked towards the wounded hyena and brought it down with a thrown spear. Four other hyenas saw this. One attacked Standing Spear but failed to wound him. Two predated the dead Hyena. The last one Rested.
Waving Club skulked into contact with the Hyena that had attacked Standing Spear, and dealt it a blow, missed, and the hyena turned to attack - and failed to wound Waving Club. He struck again, missed again, and the hyena Roared. All the hunters were affected, and various hasty retreats ensued (Photo #5).
Standing Spear skulked towards the wounded hyena and brought it down with a thrown spear. Four other hyenas saw this. One attacked Standing Spear but failed to wound him. Two predated the dead Hyena. The last one Rested.
Waving Club skulked into contact with the Hyena that had attacked Standing Spear, and dealt it a blow, missed, and the hyena turned to attack - and failed to wound Waving Club. He struck again, missed again, and the hyena Roared. All the hunters were affected, and various hasty retreats ensued (Photo #5).
At this point, Stone Tipped Spear was just within S of the closest hyena. He activated well and wounded the beast - which rested - and then killed it with a second throw. The three nearby hyenas who were still on their feet reacted, all of them predated the carcasses of the dead hyenas. So much for beast solidarity.
Now Waving Spear activated well. He loped forward, causing his intended target to move away Alarmed, but the others kept eating, then he skulked a bit more and hurled a spear that wounded another beast. Both hyenas close to Waving Spear roared (between mouthfuls) causing a few more hasty retreats among the hunters.
Last to activate was Fire, who loped forward, getting reactions from all three surviving hyenas in LOS, causing a couple of Flee moves and an Alarmed (Photo #6).
Now Waving Spear activated well. He loped forward, causing his intended target to move away Alarmed, but the others kept eating, then he skulked a bit more and hurled a spear that wounded another beast. Both hyenas close to Waving Spear roared (between mouthfuls) causing a few more hasty retreats among the hunters.
Last to activate was Fire, who loped forward, getting reactions from all three surviving hyenas in LOS, causing a couple of Flee moves and an Alarmed (Photo #6).
We’re up to turn 6 now. The Trouts seem to have their enemies on the run. But they mustn’t slacken the pressure or the hyenas will counter attack!
Fire takes a chance and keeps loping forward, hoping to drive the hyena closest to the edge right off the table (from where it is considered lunch for some other random predator). This trick works, and another hyena is OOA. The others ignore the Lope move.
Stone Tipped Spear leads the hunters forward. He fails one dice which causes a hyena to backtrack for another predation snack. This gives Standing Spear and Waving Spear the chance to skulk forward and throw spears at it. Standing Spear misses his throw and the hyena roars, causing more hasty retreats. Waving Spear, not discouraged, tries his luck, and wounds the feeding hyena. It attacks but doesn’t wound him. But then that idiot Waving Club fails an activation and the hyena attacks Waving Spear again, wounding him this time (Photo #7).
Fire takes a chance and keeps loping forward, hoping to drive the hyena closest to the edge right off the table (from where it is considered lunch for some other random predator). This trick works, and another hyena is OOA. The others ignore the Lope move.
Stone Tipped Spear leads the hunters forward. He fails one dice which causes a hyena to backtrack for another predation snack. This gives Standing Spear and Waving Spear the chance to skulk forward and throw spears at it. Standing Spear misses his throw and the hyena roars, causing more hasty retreats. Waving Spear, not discouraged, tries his luck, and wounds the feeding hyena. It attacks but doesn’t wound him. But then that idiot Waving Club fails an activation and the hyena attacks Waving Spear again, wounding him this time (Photo #7).
So at the end of turn 6 two hyenas are dead, one has fled, two are wounded, and only one, on the far side of the den area, is fully operational. One hunter (Standing Club) has been killed and another (Waving Spear) has been wounded.
On turn 7 Waving Club made amends by skulking into contact with the wounded hyena in combat with Waving Spear, and killed it with a blow, much to the relief of Waving Spear. Elsewhere, fails by other hunters saw the last wounded hyena limp away. And the intact one finally start moving towards the action (Photo #8).
On turn 7 Waving Club made amends by skulking into contact with the wounded hyena in combat with Waving Spear, and killed it with a blow, much to the relief of Waving Spear. Elsewhere, fails by other hunters saw the last wounded hyena limp away. And the intact one finally start moving towards the action (Photo #8).
Stone Tipped Spear closed in on the intact hyena, but his spear throw missed. The beast rested. Then Standing Spear also failed, and this time the hyena attacked, wounding him. Then a fail by Waving Spear saw the Hyena attack again, and Standing Spear was killed. Waving Spear was still able to close in and throw, but missed, and the enraged hyena attacked him, but failed to wound. Fire came to the rescue, loping forward and causing the aggressive beast to flee (Photo #9).
At this point the surviving hunters (4/6 including one wounded) decided that they’d done enough. Only two hyenas are still in play, and one of them is wounded. They aren’t going to be a threat to the Trouts any longer. You’d think.
More later.
Cheers from Pattaya
More later.
Cheers from Pattaya