
Showing posts from September, 2017

ADG - Setting up the Minoan camp.

Having previously posted work-in-progress shots of my Minoan camp for L'Art de la Guerre  ( part 1 and part 2 ), I can now show off the final stages and the completion of this mini-project. I really should get on the purchasing and painting some of the army to go with it... When the 60x40mm bases arrived, the painted and unpainted elements were placed out and shuffled around a bit until they looked 'right'. You can see the pencil line of the water edge along the back. I wanted to have a truncated beach on the base, but didn't want water along the entire edge because we rarely have water features on out tables. The overall camp will have an 80x60mm footprint. The water edge was scraped away with a hobbie knife and a beach area of sand was applied along the back edge of the camp. All unpainted elements were blued down.  The previously painted elements were removed, the remainder was then undercoated, base painted and the 3D elements (sacks of stuff, figures

Are you not entertained...? BSC at Hetairoi Wargames

Over at Hetairoi Wargames , Edu is running a series of interactive gladiator games using Blood Sweat and Cheers.  There will be a number of fights played with the results posted on his blog. He is giving readers a theoretical pot of coins to place bets against each of the fights, and will award prizes (sponsored by Ganesha Games) to the people with the most success at the end of the games. Do have a look < HERE > and please do get in involved when the games are ready to go.

Now this is interesting... Aegean DNA.

Just read this small piece on Minoan and Mycenaean DNA in Science and thought I'd pop a link HERE .

Slowly, the Minoan camp comes together

This is just a quick work-in-progress shot of the elements of my Minoan camp that I have so far. I am still waiting on my Rapier order (not the first time I've written that!), so I have just been working off what I have already had floating around in my bits box. Some thoughts, and the first phase of the camp creation was posted  HERE . I have tried to stick to my chosen colour themes of blue, yellow and white, and have repeated a couple of motifs (the wave and the double axe) to try to bring the disparate bits and pieces together. The double axe (labrys) was probably a religious symbol on Bronze Age Crete, as it later remained throughout the Greek world, Anatolia, parts of the Middle East and Rome. I have a neat little 6mm barbarian wearing a loin cloth and holding a double axe from Perfect Six Miniatures who will eventually be mounted in a Rapier chariot as my C-in-C. In the meantime, here is my Myrmidon/Cycladic Islander unreliable sub-general. While the main army is b

Palaeo Diet - the smorgasbord of options

There are is now a veritable hunter-gatherer's smorgasbord of options for buying Palaeo Diet: Eat or Be Eaten !  A digital copy of the rules are now available from  Ganesha Games  or  Wargame Vault . A hard copy, full colour, paperback can be found at Amazon ( UK ,  USA ,  Germany  etc), or from  Lulu . 

Mycenaean/Minoan Camp for ADG

"Far apart from the battle were their ships drawn up on the shore of the grey sea; for these had they drawn up to land in the foremost row, but had built the wall close to the hindmost." Thus spake Homer ( Iliad 14.30 ff.) of the Achaean camp at Troy. You might never have guessed it from my last post, but I have come to the realisation that my next project will be to build a 6mm Mycenaean army for L'Art de la Guerre . I once owned the same army in 15mm for DBA (v.1 or 2), but it was sold off in the dark teenage days when I turned my back on gaming. Back then I ran my army as Bronze Age Cretans or Minoans. I am looking to do the same this time, with a potent mix of heavy chariots, heavy spear and light archers (all to be bought, ultimately, from Rapier). However, I've been pondering the problem of my camp. What makes a Minoan camp? Obviously, we just don't know, but Homer can perhaps add some inspiration. The Minoans were a mercantile culture with far-reach

Painting inspiration

I'll just leave these pictures *  here. Oh, and also this useful link HERE . ________ *All lifted from the web - I make no claim to ownership or copyright.