Return of the Grey Wolf Clan

Following on from their previous adventures ( 1 , 2 , 3 ), Mark's Grey Wolf Clan are back! **** Hi all, In this installment of PreHistory month I played five games representing episodes from the hunting season of the Grey Wolf Clan, my Palaeolithic hunter-gatherer band (as interpreted by Mark Copplestone via Hollywood). There will be guest appearances by the new snow terrain discussed last time, the last Gomphotherium, and also the Trout Clan, my “other” band of Palaeolithic people. I’m doing only a brief report for each hunt and limiting it to one or two photos each. (1) The first Spring hunt With snow still on the ground, a party of the four fittest surviving hunters have been sent out from the winter camp to find fresh food. They must kill 4 Bulk, not only as badly-needed food for the Clan but also to fulfill a pledge to the Spirits. Failure may mean the ancestors look on their descendants with disdain - or worse. The photo shows two of the hunters, C...