Fightin' like Trojans - 28mm l'Art de la Guerre

Andrew and I came to blows again this week in another 28mm l'Art de la Guerre Hittite-Trojan clash. Unlike the last encounter between these two armies, this battle really came down to ther wire.

The Trojan centre of heavy spearmen matched up against a mix of Hittite medium spearmen and heavy chariots.

On the Trojan left, the small corp of elite light chariots took on the Hittite chariot archers, both supported by assorted skirmishers and javelineers.

But on the Trojan right, more Hittite heavy chariots rode into over  too many LMI bowmen in the open.

Despite a strong showing at the extreme flanks, and the heavy spearmen holding their own, it was the deployment of the bowmen in the open which proved the undoing for the sons and daughters of Troy. They fought like proverbial Trojans, and died like Homeric ones. The battle came down to a single breakpoint in the end, but it was the Hittites who proved successful.

With this particulat match up, it is clear than my Trojan chariots, despite being elite, are outmatched by their Hittite opponents, and outnumbered almost three to one. My existing strategy of massing them on one flank has not been overly successful. Even in this battle when matched agains the non-elite chariot archers, they were shot at and disordered before the lines closed. Perhaps I should think about splitting both them, and the too-many-bowmen between the flank commands and use them as holding forces rather than spearheads leading the attack?