Devilry Afoot - call for playtesters

After much testing of mechanics and drafting and re-drafting of ideas, we are now looking for additional playtesters for Devilry Afoot

Set during the 16th and 17th century Wars of Religion, Devilry Afoot pits flawed human heroes controlled by one or more players against the creatures of the night whose actions are randomly determined by the game’s easy-to-use mechanics. Designed for solo and co-operative play, the RPG-lite character customisation, and scenario driven narratives and unpredictable monsters combine to ensure that no two games are ever the same.

In their current form, the rules allow the creation of flawed characters from five different archetypes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. There are rules for supporting followers, unwary innocents and ten classes of fiendish monster drawn from the folk beliefs of the Early Modern period.

We are looking for a number of new players who are able to commit to playing scenarios from the rules, putting the mechanics to the test and identifying areas in need of clarification. Players will need two ten-sided dice, a handful of characters, half a dozen innocent civilians, and a clutch of monsters. Only a handful of miniatures are required.

If you're interested in joining the playtesting team and contributing to the development of the next Irregular Wars title, use the contact form on this page, or email me at irregularwars (at) gmail (dot) com and let me know what you can commit to. 

Active playtesters will have their names listed in the manuscript acknowledgements, and receive a free pdf of the finished rules.