Werewolves for Devilry Afoot

The latest models painted for Devilry Afoot are two 28mm werewolves from Northstar Miniatures. The shine picked up by the camera really shows the necessity of a good matt varnish before trying to take nice photos.

Werewolves are originally humans, usually societal outcasts or farmers with isolated small holdings far from the light of other god-fearing mean. Seeking a means to protect themselves and the little they own, they have made compacts with the Devil who has bestowed upon them a gift – usually an ointment of a cursed piece of clothing – that allows them to assume the bestial form of a savage wolf-man. However, some unfortunates made no such deal, but have instead been wolf-bitten, cursed with lycanthropy and the uncontrollable urge to hunt when the moon is high.