Devilry Afoot - the vampyre

Rarely known in Western Europe, whispers from the East, and from the wilds of Ireland, speak of insatiable, sentient revenants who have returned from their graves. The details vary as to the origins of these creatures, but the stories often begin with a despotic ruler making pacts with the Devil to prolong their tyranny. They invariably end with a soulless husk, stalking the night to find succour in the soft flesh and young blood of the innocent. 

Vampyres are included in Devilry Afoot because they should be there, rather than because there was any great tradition in 16th-17th century Western Europe. However, they were certainly a feature of Eastern European belief from the late medieval period. The German Nachzehrer (a more static kind of vampiric being who remained in their own grave) where prominant enough to warrent theological texts against them in the late 17th century, and there were vampire panics in Central Europe from the early 18th century. So its not too much of a stretch to imagine a vampyr making his or her way west in the wake of the Wars of Religion.

I struggled to find an aethsthetic I liked for a 28mm 17th century vampyre. They are often overly fantastic or terribly Victorian in appearance. I ended up going for this nosferatu from Reaper Miniatures. He stands slightly taller than my hunters from Bloody Miniatures, so is imposing despire his understated appearance. I also like that he obviously has a soft spot for rats.