Devilry Afoot - Bogeymen

Bogeymen are literally walking nightmares. These elusive and malevolent figures can appear in various guises, from a spectral entity, or shape-shifting monster, to a wicked old woman or living scarecrow. Conjured by parents as a tool to foster obedience in their children, it is unclear whether their manifest form is the result of demonic possession, a witch’s projection or the physical embodiment of collective fear. Their unknowable motivation and the unpredictability of their actions make them something worthy of their reputation.

These two 28mm bagheads/living scarecrows are from Crooked Dice. They are not entirely period  accurate - what 17th century gentleman would be caught dead in such long trousers? But at the end of the day, these are nice sculpts and any 17th century gentleman caught, may well end up dead.