Disappointment with Flytrap Factory
To my great disappointment,
I discovered this morning that I have been kicked out of a Facebook group. Normally, this sort of thing wouldn’t annoy me, but in this instance, it has
rather touched a nerve. The group in question was The Caveman vs Wild Secret
Tribal Council, a closed group for backers of the Flytrap Factory Kickstarter
from November 2016, Caveman vs Wild: The
Big Chill.
As readers of this blog
will know, I have championed Flytrap Factory since mid-last year when I started
my descent into prehistoric hunting games with TUSK. The sculpting of their 20mm cavemen is, in my opinion, superb.
Despite having already started developing Palaeo
Diet, I did my best to promote Flytrap’s Kickstarter, my blog post on the
project received over 1300 views and I also posted about it on various forums (Lead
Adventure Forum, The Wargames Website and TMP).
I have never hidden the
fact that I was working on a prehistoric hunting game for Ganesha Games. Indeed,
I have posted on it frequently since December last year. However, while I have
shared photos of my painted Flytrap miniatures to their group and on their own
forum, I have always been conscious not to discuss Palaeo Diet in those places.
Never the less, back in
May I discovered that I had mysteriously been ejected from the group. When I
queried this with the owner of Flytrap, he claimed to not know how it had
happened and suggested that it was the result of malign interference from a
soured previous relationship with another wargaming company… As unlikely as
that excuse sounded, I let it pass as I was keen to watch how the project
It was also in May that
same time that I found that my name had been omitted from the list of
Kickstarter backers in the playtesting draft of the Flytrap rules – something which
the owner claims to have fixed but which I can’t comment on as I have not been
privy to any updated version. All I can say is that I hope he does include it
as he is contractually obliged to do so given my Kickstarter pledge level.
Likewise, I let it pass
without much fuss that my Kickstarter pledge was only partially completed on
time (March), with the remainder only arriving this month – and then only five
of the six models advertised, and those arriving not fully conforming with the
advertised sculpts for the pack. I noted my disappointment, but let it go
because for my purposes, I only needed three.
Now, as Palaeo Diet nears completion – it is
scheduled for release next month – we were thinking about listing companies
that make appropriate miniatures in the back, the same as we did with Faustus Furius. I contacted Flytrap to
ask permission to list them and, as a courtesy, to allow the owner to have a
look at the almost finalised rules. He was happy to receive the rules, but then
asked not to be listed as a recommended company given what he saw as the inherent
confusion that it might cause.
Then, I was kicked out of
the Facebook group again. It was only when I questioned this (although now also
‘unfriended’), that I was provided with an explanation citing a conflict of
interests and his need to protect his property as best he could. I suggested
this might be something of an overreaction, expressed my disappointment, but
accepted his decision. So far all correspondence had been private.
Then, a third party copied
me into an open message posted by Flytrap on their group – a message to which I
was given no opportunity to reply given my ejection. I repeat it in full below;
the emphasis is my own, indicating aspects that I would like the opportunity to
respond to after the post.
Just a small heads
up, I have removed IW Nic from this group unfortunately. The reason for this
was explained to him via social media message today. In a nutshell, IW Nic recently
disclosed to me that he is/has penned a ruleset for Ganesha Games
entitled 'Paleo Diet', a prehistoric hunting and survival game.
He explained to me
in his words that there was no conflict of interest to be had. I was privy to
reviewing these rules today and was a little disappointed to see more than a
good number of uncannily similar concepts and processes being
utilised in his system to those used in CvW.
This has put me a
little on the defensive considering I want to take the time with you (my
council) to really iron out everything properly and do not wish to be shunted
into having to go retail release before I am good and ready just because a
competitor is jumping the gun on releasing a set... I owe CvW more than
the 'Johnny-come-lately' labeling it would suffer having been trumped by the
The decision to let
Nic go is not personal, it is however business and not only Flytrap, but all of
you in the council have invested a great deal into the development of Caveman
vs Wild thus far, and with so much more to come a decision had to be
Ganesha games is a
clear and present competitor with wide scope, deep pockets and great influence. I need to make moves to
protect our investment moving forward.
I do wish Nic and
Ganesha all the best for the future, I just need to be a little tighter on our
own developments ahead. Especially with part two in development and part three
to come.
I just wanted to
explain to the group personally.
1) recently disclosed to me
I might be reading into
this, but to me this suggests that I had been keeping Palaeo Diet a secret. If the owner has been keeping an eye on the
forums, or my own blog, he cannot have been unaware of my project. Indeed, when
I offered to show him my draft last week he said that he was already aware of
the rules.
2) 'Paleo Diet'
PalAeo Diet. I have
nothing against Americans, but I am not one, and therefore use conventional English
spelling. Pedantry? Perhaps.
3) disappointed to see more
than a good number of uncannily similar concepts and processes being utilised in his system to
those used in CvW.
Having seen both my rules
from inception, and the playtest draft of Caveman
vs Wild I can confirm that both are prehistoric hunting games where players
take on the role of hunters in a prehistoric world. Both also employ an AI
mechanic to regulate the actions of animals. There the similarities cease and I
cannot imagine a prehistoric hunting game without these similarities.
The implication here is
that I might have borrowed some of his ideas. I very much hope that is just a
possible implication and not his intention. I pride myself on honesty and
decency, and that sort of thing is beyond the pale.
Diet embraces an AI
mechanism that evolved from the one used in TUSK
by Wessex Games. This is integrated into a simplified version of the Ganesha
Games core mechanic that I developed for Faustus
Furius. The approach has been to keep the actions of hunters quite simple to
allow for constant interactions with/from beasts without leaving the player
bewildered with numerous charts. There have been a number of small changes to
the Palaeo Diet mechanics as a result
of playtesting, but nothing substantive since it was first sent out to testers
in January. January. Five months before Flytrap’s playtest draft was made
4) and do not wish to be
shunted into having to go retail release before I am good and ready just
because a competitor
I do not see how my
participation in the group could have impacted on that? We are a month away
from release and Flytrap are just starting to playtest. Regardless, I have to
say that feedback from other game developers – even those with potentially
competing projects – has always benefitted my own rule writing.
5) and not only Flytrap, but
all of you in the council have invested a great deal into the development of
Caveman vs Wild thus far,
Yes. Including myself. I
don’t see in what way my contribution promoting and funding Flytrap has been
lessened because of my own projects.
6) Ganesha games is a clear
and present competitor with wide scope, deep pockets and great influence
I believe this is something of a misrepresentation. It would be nice for Ganesha to be an apex predator in
the world of gaming, and maybe someday it will be. For now, it remains a product
of Andrea Sfiligoi’s passion and innovation, supported by one other person with responsibility for the small range of miniatures, and a
couple of rule authors like myself who do get royalties, but primarily write
because we love it.
So here we are. I still
love the Flytrap sculpts. They have such great character and are a joy to
paint. The customer service has been… middling. However, as I vent my spleen, I
have to state, once again, how very disappointed I am with the attitude and
approach taken by the company’s owner.
For the sake of transparency, I will note that there have been quite a number of comments left on this post - more than I would have imagined actually. Most have been supportive of me, a couple have been supportive of Flytrap Factory. That is completely fine. A number of them have included language that was not all together helpful. I deleted the first few, and then (after Blogger started asking me to moderate) decided not to post later ones. This has now resulted in someone who has never been in contact with me before demanding to know why comments have been deleted.
*August 2017 EDIT*
As far as I am concerned, this matter is closed. I have said my piece. Palaeo Diet is out, but I still look forward to seeing the completed version of Caveman vs Wild and, presuming I have enough stuff, to play and enjoy the game.
For the sake of transparency, I will note that there have been quite a number of comments left on this post - more than I would have imagined actually. Most have been supportive of me, a couple have been supportive of Flytrap Factory. That is completely fine. A number of them have included language that was not all together helpful. I deleted the first few, and then (after Blogger started asking me to moderate) decided not to post later ones. This has now resulted in someone who has never been in contact with me before demanding to know why comments have been deleted.
I was contacted by the owner of Flytrap yesterday who stressed that his intention was never to offend me. In the process of chatting I explained about various comments and why I had decided to suppress all of them - a move which he seemed to agree was a fair call. This is a fairly niche area, but there is enough scope for multiple rule sets. Hunt and let hunt (as they might have said).