Making up for lost time, we've just returned from a family trip to Copenhagen - a wonderful and gorgeous city, although not over-easy on the wallet. I plumb forgot to bring Four Against Raganök with me for a promo shot, but it was ever in our hearts...
I can't say enough positive things about the city in general, but I wanted to flag up the National Museum to anyone who happens to pass through as a brilliant resource and source of inspiration for wargaming any number of theatres. We spent more than four hours there, and still didn't get to the Iron Age, High-Late Medieval or Modern galleries. The images below are just a taster of what's on show really.
Mycenaean weaponry. The detailing on that gold pommel doesn't really show up, but I was impressed!
Sub-Saharan African shields and swords from the Ethnographic collection.
Mesolithic paddle, bow, and axeheads.
Neolithic casualty (bone-tipped arrow through the nose), and Late Neolithic flint dagger.
Bronze Age 'Egtved Girl' burial, and a reconstruction of her costume.
Bronze Age swords and helmets.
Now, I've already got 20mm prehistoric hunters, a 10mm army of Angles, a 28mm Early Medieval vikingr crew, and a 6mm Late Medieval Kalmar Union army, but I'm not sure I'm living up to the wargaming potential of Denmark. I wonder where this will lead, and who's to say where it ends!